• Oklahoma Nature Journal


    This is a guided wildlife nature journal perfect for little boys (or girls). It includes only animals that can be found in Oklahoma. My boys love learning about new animals from Wild Kratts, so I decided to take their favorite and tie in learning they will love. Each lesson has a Section to read, write, watch, and draw.

    Maybe you have intentions to do an organic nature journal with them, but it’s so opened ended that you end up doing nothing. This will take the concept and make it a fun indoor (for the super hot or cold days) or outdoor activity that strengthens their knowledge of local animals, writing skills, and drawing skills.

    To complete you will need:

    • “Wildlife Anatomy” by Julia Rothman
    • “Nature Anatomy” by Julia Rothman
    • Access to Youtube for drawing lessons
    • Access to a place to watch Wild Kratts (currently on Amazon or Netflix)


    These checkboxes are not law. If you want to use part of it, but not the rest, please don’t think the list at the bottom is a checklist. I wanted to create somewhat rounded resources to learn about animals, but don’t want this to become rules to follow. If your kid wants to learn more about an animal keep going, but if your child is tired and. done by task one, don’t force it.

    YouTube Drawing 

    The resources I picked were as realistic as possible. This means they are also often the harder option. If you have a younger learner try a simpler version. If you have someone older they may want to draw straight from the “Anatomy” book. I find it fun to always label the parts of the animal when we are done.

    What to write

    At my kid’s Charlotte Mason co-op/school, they ask themselves these 3 questions about whatever they are observing. Younger kids usually pick one of the questions to write a sentence about.

    • It reminds me of…
    • I wonder…
    • I notice…

    Charlotte Mason would have encouraged kids to learn first about what they can see and touch, but so if you live in Oklahoma these animals will be the perfect place to start! 

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