Hi, I’m Elizabeth.

Most days you can find me cleaning up my kitchen with a cup of tea beside me. I am the mother of two boys, so I spend hours looking out the windows all along the back of our home, watching them play in the sandbox or feeding leaves to our rabbits, as I cook clean, and do my Bible study. On the days I get lucky, I head out to tend our raised garden beds and trim the many flowering bushes that I have planted in an effort to create a garden for us all to enjoy.

The conversations I start here are the same things that I chat over more cups of tea with friends. My favorite things to talk about with them and you are capsule wardrobes, personality tests, female body types and energy, gardening, and my favorite books both for myself and things I have loved reading to our kids. I also love talking about the way I grew up and the way I am purposefully attempting to raise our two sons.

Inspiring One Another

I love writing these stories for you to read because I have been gifted with the sweetest group of mother friends that inspire me to be a more involved, and yet more hands-off parent. They remind me to read to my boys more, have the TV on less, spend more time outside, and create a home full of love and compassion for not only those who live here but those we welcome in on a multiple times weekly basis. As you read, if you have ideas I would love to hear your thoughts and wisdom too!

Mothering is Worth the Effort

I know there are many of you out there that wish to raise your children different values than the way you were raised or others around you. You may wonder if you are alone. I hope I can be here to remind and encourage you that you’re not alone. Mothering isn’t easy, intentionally creating a space for love and kindness can make the job of a mom even harder. I don’t try to pretend that all my life is perfect, but my goal has been to seek the Sunshine in my Nest, I find that when I do gratefulness follows! 

I wish I could hand you this cup of coffee as you begin to click through these links, and have all these conversations in person. Until that happens, let’s enjoy one another in this space. Please let me know you have been here, and leave your own ideas and wisdom on my pages for all of us to enjoy!

Or you can email me at sunshineinmynest@gmail.com

Or follow me on Instagram Here