7 Ways I bring the Gospel to our Everyday
There was a post on Risen Motherhood about how to bring the gospel into everyday moments. The gospel isn’t always just telling our children the story of the cross, but also how we include Christ into our lives and into our everyday. It is the way we reflect and glorify him with our lives.
I would like to say look for everyday moments to bring the gospel and story of creation into the hearts of my kids, but really they just seem to happen. I try very hard not to force upon them my own beliefs or call on them to make a “decision” that is not their own conviction, but I also want to make plain to them in everyday life what a faithful God he has been to me, and can be to them.
These are some moments that I’m trying to habitually use to teach them how God is relevant in their everyday moments.
Answer Questions
I have the tiring privileged of having a small boy who asks lots of questions. But many of these questions give me the chance to answer with foundation truths. This has been made easier by memorizing the children’s catechism with him in the evening. Having the short, but accurate answers help me to answer easily some questions that could be quite hard to answer on the spot.
Having good one-on-one conversations can help facilitate these heart moments or learning how to to get your kids to talk after school.
Play Gospel-Centered Music
Two years ago I attended a women’s conference, while there I realized the power of gospel-centered music in worship. After that trip, I created a playlist for us to listen to during breakfast. One of our favorites has been Getty Kids Hymnal. These songs have profound truths and remind me daily of God’s faithfulness. It has also sparked some deep conversations as I try to define words in it that Keaton hears and doesn’t understand.
Eat Meals Together
This past summer I read The Life-Giving Home. I was challenged to use mealtime as a time to check in with my children. Taking the time to ask about each person’s day has given me a specific time to check in with both Keaton and Joseph.
Comfort with Scripture
Keaton has gone through periods of fearfulness at bedtime. Reassuring him that God is everywhere, even in the dark, seems to give him some peace. I hope that reminder will not only be a comfort in his current fears but check motivations and actions for his future walk with God.
Point to a Creator

When asked 100 times per day questions like, “Why plants are green? Why is the sky is blue? How are trees are tall?” I not only take the chance to introduce basic scientific principles but also to talk about a creating God who made from nothing the world. It amazes me how much in tune to nature and God’s glory small people are. It makes me a little sad that I have lost my early marvel for these beautiful details.
Our Resurrection Gardens are a special way we do this in the spring season.
Let them see you share with others
We don’t always require our children to share. I’m not inclined to give everyone my phone, or purse, so we don’t think they should have to give up willingly all their things. I have been trying to talk to them about sharing generously our things with those around us, and the joy that brings. (I’m still working on it for myself as well)
Serve with your children
Once per week, last year we went to a local elementary school to pack up meals for distribution (we hope to start again this spring). We want our children to see it as normal not only serving at church but to also serve our community. It was hard to find a volunteer project where I could take small children, but it has created some beautiful conversations about gratefulness for what we have and blessing others with our time and resources.
Check out this list of our favorite faith-based books — such a useful way to bring conversations about faith into little one’s minds!