Resurrection Egg Activities
I want to encourage you to do these resurrection egg activities! Sitting down and talking AT kids is rarely a good idea. It’s the time of year were are looking for ways to tell the Easter Story in a fun and engaging way! The best way I have found to do this is using Resurrection Eggs. Resurrection Eggs have been used since I was a child. As an adult, I have realized it’s because they are just THAT good. My kids (5 & 8) literally jump up and down with excitement when I bring them out every year, even though at this point they could teach me the Easter story from them at this point!
The thing to remember is that you don’t have to do this activity perfectly. Discipleship at home doesn’t look like a sermon at church. Try to complete the lesson 3-5 minutes. Short, sweet, and truth-filled is the way to go. If you’re unsure there is a little booklet in the egg container, you can just read it off in Spanish or English, or you can open the egg and allow the child to ask questions about it, and then you can answer.
Resurrection Egg Activities using Senses
Let’s take these lessons and make them as memorable as possible, try to see how many senses you can involve in the learning process. Studies have shown the more whole body we experience the better we learn.
Usually, when doing Bible lessons we rely on one sense, hearing. What I want to encourage you to do is involve all 5 senses if possible. Hearing is important. “and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard?” Romans 10, but I think we do our children a disservice if all we do is talk.
Every time I teach a lesson I try to think, what can I use to help them SEE this. That is what this method of teaching the gospel gets really right! Each egg gives you a visual picture of the gospel story and that is really powerful. Growing up usually a Sunday school teacher opened the eggs and just showed us what was inside, but I think we can do even better than that.
Allow your children to be the ones to open the egg every day and pass around the little piece that you find inside. When you are reviewing every day, allow the kids to take out the little piece and tell you what it represents. But let’s take it even further!!
I still remember the year my mom had us smell and taste vinegar as part of our Easter lesson. I think I may insert this on the day with the cross for the boys this year. You may not be able to find a smell every day, but I’m going to see how many I can do this year. I’ll report back.
We end each lesson the same way we do Advent lessons with “God’s Word is Sweet”. Since the objects are in eggs, I most often do traditional jelly beans, so far everyone approves.

Narration in Learning
We homeschool using a blend of Classical and Charlotte Mason techniques. In both of those reviewing what you learned through narration is heavily emphasized. When you can narrate it helps you to be able to think better, when you think better you can write and express ideas better. I carry on this exercise into the way we review the resurrection eggs. Every day we review all the eggs we have done so far. I allow them to tell me back the story of the previous eggs. Memory and recall help them to own the story for themselves.
Memorization is another superpower that kids have. It’s amazing how they can recall things so easily and that recall lasts. We’ve done these eggs four years at this point, so this year I may try to have them memorize a verse with each egg (but if it’s your first year using them, just do the simple story).
(Here’s a list of our favorite faith-based books for this time of year!)
Getting Behind
I get behind on our resurrection egg activities literally every year. It has gotten to the point where I start a few days ahead to build in days missed. I’ve also been known to do two eggs at a time when I’ve gotten behind. I think doing one at a time does build more suspense, but we all have to do what we have to do. Don’t quit just because you’re behind. Catch up, or keep doing them even after Easter is over. The point is to teach your children the gospel story, not to participate in an invisible race!