A Quick Note at Bedtime
My dearest boys, I am writing you a quick note at bedtime. Evening Peace is ushered in. With it the turning of another page of the book we are writing together. As usual, before going to sleep, you requested “one more kiss”, after drinks and stories are finished. I sigh a little as I close the door. Today has been quite a day, but it’s one page closer to finishing a chapter that will complete this beautiful book. My favorite thing to realize is how little has already been written. This is just the beginning of your story and we have so much more life together!
I have to remember that all this energy I’m exerting is worth it. The foundation of a story is the most important part. The work I do today establishes pieces of the rest of your life. The time I spend is building grace and gospel to the very warp and woof of your lives. My hope is that love becomes so core to you that they continue to build upon it from habit. That you will turn to your Maker all the days of your life. Every day I hope and pray that you will turn to others to generously spread the love that has been lavished on you!
Your Tired Mama