Best Books I Read in 2022
These are the best books I read in 2022 along with a description of why I liked them. This wasn’t my year of having read the most books, but I did read a lot of fantastic books that I’m eager to share because I think you will like them too. A lot of these were introduced to me through “Sunshine in my Nest Podcast”. When I interview a guest I haven’t always read the book, but often I read it afterward!
Usually, I’m lucky to have read 2-5 excellent books by the end of a year, but this year was different. I think I’m learning how to better find books I will love. The books I did take the time to read (other than the ones for a book club that I didn’t pick, but read for the sake of friendship. No shade, we all just have different tastes.) mainly ended up excellent! (Here is a previous year’s favorite books!) Now, I hope I introduce you to some new favorites!

Jubilee – By Margaret Walker
Several people on Instagram recommended this book within a week or two of one another. Because of this, I assumed it was a new release. I was shocked to discover after finishing that this was actually a classic. Most books take me the first 1/3 to really get into but this one had me hooked from the very beginning!
A Place to Belong – Amber O’Neil Johnson
I’ve read several books on what it means to be more culturally aware, but none have touched me this deeply and none could I recommend as fully wholeheartedly. Amber explains the importance of having windows into other cultures in such a winsome way that even the most resistant person wouldn’t find a reason to bristle. She explains beautifully why we as homeschooling white families need windows into other cultures. Honestly, in my description, I’ve probably been more offensive than Amber would ever be!
Different – Sally Clarkson
This, in my opinion, is the most powerful book that Sally Clarkson has ever written. What does it look like when your ideals smash into the brokenness that is in the real world? Sally and her son Joel explore what it looked like to raise kids with OCD. If you’ve had respect for Sally and her style of parenting before or if you’ve felt her life was just a little too shiny to be relatable to your life this book will give you hope, and make you laugh, and cry. Here’s my full review of her book …
Half Broke Horses – Janette Walls
This is the prequel to the popular “The Glass Castle” and in my opinion was better! If you’re a fan of Little House one the Prarie, or Little Britches then I think you’ll also love this coming of age, frontier story!
Till We Have Faces – CS Lewis
In my opinion, this is CS Lewis at his best! This Greek myth retold is what other retellings since have tried to do, but not succeded as well! I really enjoyed this book, I think even more than Chronicals of Narnia. However don’t go in expecting the same kind of fare, because this style is quite different.
Inside Out & Back Again – Thanhha Lai
Until I read this I don’t think I realized I had never read a book about a family who immigrated from Vietnam at the end of the war. It made me realize I wish there was more in this genre. I adore historical fiction, but wish more of it revolved around stories other than WWII. If you’ve been out of the reading groove for a while this is a good one to get back in, because it doesn’t have a lot of words.
Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry – Mildred D. Tyler
Loved listening to this one. As part of my quest for historical fiction that isn’t WWII this one was a winner. The copy I read had a forward written by the author that in my opinion made the book even more powerful!
The Whole & Healthy Family – Jodi Mockabee
I picked up this book at a time I was feeling a little down about the choices we were making as a family. Our lifestyle felt like a lot of work with not guarantee of fruit. Especially the first and last sections were the shot of courage I needed to keep going.
Those were the Best books I read in 2022
I’d be super curious to hear which ones you’ve read! If you’re looking for other things I’ve read I’ve got that here, or if you want Children’s Book Recommendations I have those too!
If you found this helpful you might like my Children’s Book Index!
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