Plan for a New Homeschool Year

Plan for a New Homeschool Year

I always take the summer to plan for a new homeschool year! During this time of year, I have the perspective that I just don’t have mid-year!

Homeschool Planner Workbook – Blank

Homeschool Planner Workbook – Blank

This 19-page Homeschool Planner Workbook was written for me to use in our homeschool. By the time I finished creating it I had burnt up several hours and I decided to save some of you the trouble by making it available. 

  • I start the book with four pages of questions to analyze your homeschool year. These are similar to the usual goal-setting questions but made specific to homeschooling.
  • The next two pages are laying out the subject you want to teach and the book/methods you want to teach those subjects.
  • There are 4 pages to write books you want to read, and books you have read as you go.
  • Then comes the memorization and field trip goals.
  • The final 3 pages are to be printed every month. There are two goal-setting questions for each month, a habit tracker for your ONE thing to focus on for the month. The next page is to review your month. Analyze what worked, what didn’t work, what you have coming up, and the systems you changed to make things easier. I give you a place to rate your month just as a way to look back over the year. The final page of this section is to check in on your subject list. To see what you need to teach that month to meet your yearly goal.

I’m looking forward to using this in my homeschool, and I hope it makes yours easy too. If you need it printed and bound I recommend Family Nest Printing! They’ve done work for me in the past and it was BEAUTIFUL! (note: just remember to print pages 16-18 as many months as you plan to do school) You can get a discount if you use the code SUNSHINE

Click here for a flip through

Resurrection Egg Activities

Resurrection Egg Activities

I want to encourage you to do these resurrection egg activities! Sitting down and talking AT kids doesn’t work well, this is hands-on.

Teaching your Child to Read

Teaching your Child to Read

It doesn’t matter if you homeschool or send your kids to school you will probably participate in the process of teaching your child to read.

What Homeschoolers get Wrong

What Homeschoolers get Wrong

Have you ever wondered what a kid who was homeschooled thinks that homeschoolers get wrong? There are 3 pillars of education that we have to get right

Valentine’s Day Picture Books

Valentine’s Day Picture Books

I always find it a little weird when kid’s Valentine’s Day picture books are romantic love-themed. I hope these books encourage kindness.