• Oklahoma Nature Journal


    This is a guided wildlife nature journal perfect for little boys (or girls). It includes only animals that can be found in Oklahoma. My boys love learning about new animals from Wild Kratts, so I decided to take their favorite and tie in learning they will love. Each lesson has a Section to read, write, watch, and draw.

    Maybe you have intentions to do an organic nature journal with them, but it’s so opened ended that you end up doing nothing. This will take the concept and make it a fun indoor (for the super hot or cold days) or outdoor activity that strengthens their knowledge of local animals, writing skills, and drawing skills.

    To complete you will need:

    • “Wildlife Anatomy” by Julia Rothman
    • “Nature Anatomy” by Julia Rothman
    • Access to Youtube for drawing lessons
    • Access to a place to watch Wild Kratts (currently on Amazon or Netflix)


    These checkboxes are not law. If you want to use part of it, but not the rest, please don’t think the list at the bottom is a checklist. I wanted to create somewhat rounded resources to learn about animals, but don’t want this to become rules to follow. If your kid wants to learn more about an animal keep going, but if your child is tired and. done by task one, don’t force it.

    YouTube Drawing 

    The resources I picked were as realistic as possible. This means they are also often the harder option. If you have a younger learner try a simpler version. If you have someone older they may want to draw straight from the “Anatomy” book. I find it fun to always label the parts of the animal when we are done.

    What to write

    At my kid’s Charlotte Mason co-op/school, they ask themselves these 3 questions about whatever they are observing. Younger kids usually pick one of the questions to write a sentence about.

    • It reminds me of…
    • I wonder…
    • I notice…

    Charlotte Mason would have encouraged kids to learn first about what they can see and touch, but so if you live in Oklahoma these animals will be the perfect place to start! 

    Free Shipping!

    *for those in the US.

  • Organized Car Essentials


    This is the list of organized car essentials that I compiled from hundreds of moms on Instagram. I used to keep my car empty other than a bit of trash, a charge cord, and a hair kit. All that changed when I heard what a couple of other mom’s kept in their car to be safe! I decided to load up on essentials.

    When I called for help in a poll these are the items that other moms said they couldn’t do without in their car! This is going to help so much when we are doing field trips this coming year!

  • Original Bible Study Deck


    Some seasons of life leave you starving for deep spiritual food. You’re nursing and you miss the sermon, a crisis hits and leaves you depleted, or you’re caring for an aging spouse or loved one. This is the Bible study I wish I had when I was in an overwhelmed stage of life.

    I’ve taken inductive Bible study practices that are usually applied to chapters and books of the Bible and applied them to some of the most meaningful verses of the Bible. This will allow you to access richness while living in seasons of low capacity.

    Each week includes

    These are past lessons that have been sent out as part of a serial series by email. If you want the full weekly experience for FREE you can access that here

  • Our Morning Routine Chore Chart


    This Kid’s Morning Chore Chart has ended my struggle with mornings. Before I implemented this new routine everyone needed something right away. We set out their breakfast the night before, so they can help themselves as soon as they wake up. When I get up there are three of them and one of me and I would need to be an octopus to get it all done. This routine of putting out little fires meant I wasn’t eating for a couple of hours after I got up.

    I started implementing a “No one asks for anything until mommy has had breakfast and coffee” rule. This chart is to help enforce that. If anyone asks for something before I’ve eaten, they are referred to the chart this keeps them busy until I’ve had time to make breakfast and coffee.

    This morning chore chart has a picture prompt rather than words, so even my pre-reader is able to participate.

    It includes Get Dressed, Make Bed, Put away Pajama, Put your Dishes in the Sink, and Morning Basket time.

    I did not include cleaning your room, because we do that the night before. Most morning baskets include heavy parental involvement, but the one we do is entirely independent. it includes…

    Hope this Kid’s Morning Chore Chart helps you get some uninterrupted breakfast and coffee in the morning too!

  • Pantry Inventory


    You’re here because you want to spend less money on groceries and takeout a Pantry Inventory will help.

    I grew up 30 minutes from the closest grocery store, so having everything we needed in the pantry was a must. The Pantry Inventory is a tool I grew up with. My mom would review it before going grocery shopping once every two weeks.

    When I got married my mom passed the Pantry Inventory on to me. Based on what we eat the list evolved a little bit, but this list keeps me from having to get takeout or back to the grocery store multiple times a week, which also saves us money!

    I’ve made it pretty and printable for you. I know you will want to add some of your own family’s favorite items, so I’ve left blank space for you to add your own staples!!

    If you want a complete guide on how to cook from home I have written about it here! 

    If you have questions message me on Instagram and I’m happy to help

  • Personal Communication Numbers


    As I talked and interviewed hundreds of women on my Instagram, I started hearing a theme. Many of you are not able to receive help from your husbands. Your husbands travel for work; are doing manual labor and are depleted themselves when they come home; or some are just unwilling to help. My heart went out to these women, who really have to rely on themselves to make their own days better. But in the course of the conversation, I figured out a solution. I asked what each of you to encourage yourselves, and lift yourselves up on a bad day.

    This second chart is for the days where you have to take your own life in hand and make things better for yourselves. These charts are best both used together, but if you can only use this one, you’re the reason I put the time in to make this.

    After buying, you will receive a Personal Communication Numbers Chart in TWO size options. Both are yours; choose to print in either a two page 11″x17″ format or a four page 8.5″x11″ format.

    To get future tools like this free to your email inbox, be sure to subscribe to my email.

  • Seasonal Fun Checklist Checklist


    I’ve been doing all-season fun checklists for about 5 years now. I caught myself just surviving seasons rather than enjoying them to their fullest. Moments would sneak up on me or pass before I remembered to take full advantage. I started making hand-drawn lists in my Midori, but those weren’t easy to put on the fridge or share with friends.

    Per request, I created a Fun Checklist for every season and shared them with my email list. I’ve compiled all of them here so you can download and print them at any time! If you want to be first in line for future free products, or offerings be sure to sign up for my email list!

    I also have Nature Scavenger Hunts to help keep you enjoying the outdoors in every season too!

  • Spouses Communication Numbers


    The Communication Numbers Chart is there to help you figure out what could be helpful when help is offered. Just look at the list of feeling words, and the descriptions of the body feeling that goes with it. Then, in the third row you will find a list of things that could be helpful. Better yet, make a copy for your partner, then ask them instead of asking, “How are you doing?” ask “What number are you at.” This will give them the idea of what is going on in your body and mind with out having to try to find the right words.

    After buying, you will receive a Personal Communication Numbers Chart in TWO size options. Both are yours; choose to print in either a two page 11″x17″ format or a four page 8.5″x11″ format.

    To get future tools like this for free, be sure to subscribe to my emails.

  • Spring Cleaning Guide


    I used my “I did it” list to make this list, but I did add a couple of things that I realize now I forgot when I was cleaning. Also, your list may look a little different depending on what kinds of rooms you have in your house.

    This is not a list to finish in a day unless your house is starting off significantly cleaner than mine was.

    This isn’t a list to make you feel guilty. If you do ONE thing from this list, congratulate yourself! If you do the list over the course of 3 weeks pat yourself on the back. My goal isn’t to make you feel guilty. It is only helpful if you are going to find it helpful!


  • Student Narration Notebook – College Rule


    These are printable pages for Narration Notebooks!

    Directions for printing:

    • Front and back – color printed and laminated (heavier lamination is better).
    • Inside pages – Front and back black and white printing on #28 paper, cut in half

    I printed 50 pages for mine and then spiral-bound it with this metal coil. 

    Wide Rule Option 

  • Student Narration Notebook – Wide Rule


    These are printable pages for Narration Notebooks!

    Directions for printing:

    • Front and back – color printed and laminated (heavier lamination is better).
    • Inside pages – Front and back black and white printing, cut in half

    College Rule  Option

    I printed 50 pages for mine and then spiral-bound it with this metal coil.

  • Sale!

    True Gifts of Christmas

    Original price was: $13.00.Current price is: $7.50.

    The story of Christmas starts long before a baby is born in a manger. It starts with a garden and a man and a woman who live in perfect communion with God. We all know the story well.

    This 42-page Christmas Bible study will lead you through 6 weeks of prayer, meditation, hymns, and activities.

    Each week has:

    • 1 teaching lesson
    • 5 study questions
    • 1 verse and prayer card to meditate on
    • 1 optional recipe or craft
    • 1 hymn to sing

    You can use all of these elements or pick and choose what serves you best for your stage of life. If all you want is the meditation verse/card please print and use it! The Word of God never returns void and he can use one verse powerfully!

    Some seasons of life leave you starving for deep spiritual food. You’re nursing, you miss the service, a crisis leaves you depleted, or you’re caring for an aging spouse or loved one. I hope these snippets of deep Bible study allow you to access the richness of God’s Word while living in a season of low capacity.

    I’m at a place now that I’ve regained some capacity, and I want to show you what I learned in my lean years. By looking at even just one verse in context or in prayer as I vacuumed the carpet I could be deeply refreshed in my relationship with God.

    I hope this brings you closer to Christ in a busy season!

    Or get the free version sent weekly