Camping Recipes
Easy Camping Recipes when you have 3 kids is necessary. I don’t need the food to make it harder. I also don’t need a ton of junk food with out veggies. This is the menu I’ve created. Almost everything in my camping recipes can be prepared ahead for the easiest camping experience with the best food possible.
(And if you’re wanting to cook from home more often check out this post1)

Prep Ahead Egg Muffins
These are the most traditional camping food I have. It’s the meal begged for by both family and friends, and it’s so easy! (This other recipe is my favorite to take to new parents and someone needing a warm meal!)
(serves 6)
- 6 English Muffins – opened
- 6 Over Easy eggs
- 6 Pre-cooked sausage patties – Aldi has them at a great price
- 6 slices of Cheddar Cheese
It works best if you make them at least 2 days ahead. Place one egg, one sausage and one slice of cheese on 1/2 of the muffin, use the other half to make a sandwhich. Wrap the whole thing in foil. Freeze until solid. When you get to the camp site keep in the cooler until you go to bed and take them out to thaw. The next morning, warm them up over a fire.
(This other recipe is my favorite to take to new parents and someone needing a warm meal!)
Steak Kabobs
Items Needed
- 1 package of Kabob Sticks
- 2 Marinated Steaks cut into 1 1/2″ cubes
- Stick them all on the sticks and grill at the camp site.
I make a separate Kabobs with Zucchini, mushrooms, peppers, and yellow squash because the cook time often is less than what the meat needs.
Easy Grilled Chicken Fillet
Served with Roasted Broccoli and cubed sweet potato
- 1 pack of McCormic seasoning our favorite is Brown Sugar Burban
- Vingar
- Oil
- 3 chicken breasts sliced to make thinner fillets
- Head of Broccoli
- 4 Sweet Potatoes
- Salt
Get a large re-usable container I have large glass ones. Make a McCormic seasoning pouch per the back of the package. Add your chicken and freeze. These can easily be pulled out to cook, or you can cook them on your grill before leaving and then just re-heat at the camp site for an easier meal
I always preroast my broccoli I lay it out on a cookie sheet, drizzle it with oil and sprinkle with salt. Broil for 15 min. Then I wrap it in a long rectangle package of foil about 6 in by 12 in. When cooking it I leave it in the foil to reheat.
Peel your sweet potato ahead. Cube it in 1/2 to 1/4″ pieces and lay it on the other half of the cookie sheet. Drizzle with oils sprinkle with salt and roast with the broccoli. I put it in a separate package because there are varying number of sweet potato lovers in my house.
Walking Taco
- 2 lbs Ground Beef
- 1 Tablespoon Cumin
- 1 Tablespoon Chili Powder
- 1 Tablespoon Garlic
- 1 Teaspoon Salt
- 1/2 Teaspoon Black Pepper
- 1 can Black Beans
- 1 cup Cooked Rice
Gather, but keep separate until serving
- Cut Lettuce
- Bag of Shredded Cheese
- Bag of Tortilla chips or Doritos
Fry your meat along with the seasonings. Once fully cooked add the beans and rice. Freeze the entire mixture in a large gallon bag.
Again with this one I fully freeze everything and just warm it when we get to the camp site!
Happy Camping
Hope these camping recipes make your camping experience easier and slightly more tasty! It’s easy to fall into the hot dogs, and burgers rut. They are both delicious of course, but it’s fun to shake things up with something new and a little different! Especially if you’re doing more than 2 days!
Or maybe try some of these other summer ideas or these awesome freezer meal ideas!)