Best Christian Easter Books
Are you looking for the best Christian Easter books? You want to make Easter as special as Christmas with books and activities (here’s a fun one). but it’s hard! There are 5 million Christmas books, and only a handful of Easter books. The books and activities that do exist are cut down by the Easter Bunny, or stories of spring. While most of us aren’t mad about those things, it’s not what we want to spend our time and money one.
Here are the best Christian Easter books our family has found. You know I take these recommendations very seriously and I’ve started doing a full tournament reading 16-32 books before making selections. I’m so glad I did because some of the books I started with for sure didn’t make the cut, and some I thought would be a bust have been THE BEST!!
Books That Teach Easter
People even kids are best moved by stories. So teaching them faith through story is often the most effective way. If they have heard the same Easter story for a long time, they may need some new versions to rekindle their wonder in the gospel story! Here are other books that help teach Christian faith! Or if you have an active kid who needs something to touch these Resurrection Eggs would be perfect!
Humphery’s First Palm Sunday
If you want to be the hero of story time, this is your book. I didn’t expect this one to be a hit, but has it ever been. Everyone from 2-9 years old loves it. The key is to read it as dramatically as possible. Even Keller, our two-year-old, flips through pointing out the silly parts and laughing. I don’t even have to read it anymore.
The Garden the Curtain and the Cross
Have you been feeling mind numbed during story time? This is the right book. I didn’t expect a kid’s book to teach me something new about the Bible… but this one did! It follows the theme through the Bible of being outside of God’s presence and shows the beauty of the cross is it brings us back into his presence… But that was a lame way to explain it! Go read it!
The Friend Who Forgives
I adored this book. It’s a creative look at the Easter story from the eyes of Peter and his need for forgiveness. The illustrations make this story even more fun than it would be otherwise. The playful, impetuousness of Peter was very relatable.
The Tale of Three Trees
If you want a book you know you can find at your local Christian book store this is it! This book has been around for a long time, and there’s a reason for that. It takes you through Jesus’ life in a very creative and memorable way! This book could also double as a Christmas book if you’re looking for something that serves two seasons.
Unwrapping the Names of Jesus for Kids
This is another book that will serve two seasons! And as an added bonus this one teaches the names of Jesus! This story is told through the eyes of a little girl experiencing Jesus.
God Gave us Easter
If you want to include Easter eggs in your Easter this book gives them symbolism. It says, “Just like the shell cracks open and a chick comes out, we remember that Jesus was in a room… but he didn’t stay dead.” Story wise this wasn’t my favorite though.
The Donkey who Carried a King
Do you have a kid that struggles with being chosen last during games? This story is told from the perspective of a little donkey who is always left behind. The illustrations are really beautiful.
Simon and the Easter Miracle
This is a bit more of an abstract book of Easter. It’s told from the perspective of Simon who carried the cross. It doesn’t have a very clear resolution instead it focuses on showing the gospel in the ordinary graces of the world.

Books we are Still Reading in 2023 –
I’ll keep you posted on these titles, and remove anything that didn’t work for us!
Benjamin’s Box
The Very First Easter
If appreciated how thoughtfully I created this list and you want more ideas I have several more lists and freebies indexed here!